Media Strategy.
Brand. Voice.
Generate more leads. It’s time to change things up!
I need help with my
Website Hosting
Website Security
Mobile Optimised Website
E-Commerce Website
Nearly 90% of Australians will research a business online before they call you. Your website is like your shop front. It’s your first impression – and first impressions last.
You need a website that makes your potential clients want to call you, and your existing clients love you even more. We take the time to talk you through the entire process, to ensure your website exceeds your expectations and it may even cost a lot less than you think. All our websites are Search Engine Optimised and we specialise in WordPress websites.
Once your website is LIVE, we can launch an advertising campaign to ensure your prospective clients see it. And we can even manage your website for you. Keeping it fresh with new content daily, weekly, or as often as you need. Take advantage of our Creative Writing service for relevant, SEO friendly blogs, news updates and more.
The big question clients ask is: ‘will people be able to find my website on Google?’ Here’s the answer:
Websites Google Loves answer the question being asked in every search; They’re secure; They load fast; They have a Privacy Policy & Terms of Use; If relevant, they abide by GDPR – The EU General Data Protection Regulation; And they engage visitors (going to more than one page and hanging around for a few minutes)
So, the secret to online success is no secret at all, really. Your website needs to be relevant, keyword rich, safe and load fast, so people find what they’re looking for quickly, when they’re searching for what you offer. The longer people stay on your website after Google has directed them to you, the better your website will rank. Don’t forget, Google is a brand too, and they want to share websites that make their brand look good!
But beware the ‘Search Bubble’
“Your computer monitor is a kind of one-way mirror, reflecting your own interests while algorithmic observers watch what you click.” Eli Pariser
Clients say to us “I’ve Googled my business and I’m always at the top of Search results, so I don’t need help.” Of course you appear at the top of your own searches! Google is watching and it knows what websites you visit regularly, what your interests are, what you spend your money on and where you like to visit. It takes all this information to create an online persona for you, and directs you to websites it knows you’re already interested in.
Conduct an ‘incognito’ Google search and that will give you a more accurate idea as to where your website ranks in the online marketplace, and for different search terms. We’d love to help you reach the top!