Blue Box Marketing


Queensland Business Boost Grant

APPLICATIONS OPEN AT 9AM ON FRIDAY 30 JULY, 2021 The last Grant was closed just hours after it was released, so make sure you have all your documentation ready to hit SEND at 9am on Friday 30 July. The Queensland State Government has just announced the next opportunity as part of the Business Basics Grants […]

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$5000 Grant for QLD Small Business

The Queensland State Government has just announced the Business Basics Grants Program. What is it? The Business Basics grants program provides support to businesses to increase core skills and adopt best practice. The program is administered by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT). Who’s eligible? To be eligible for the grant, you must… have fewer

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The Key to Social Media Success

Social Media is the highlights reel of our lives. It’s where we share a plethora of carefully selected and edited memories, memes and selfies. It’s where we make everyone think our lives are amazing, even if they’re not. How do I know this? Can you guess the most ‘checked-in’ place on social media? It’s not the

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The Power of Story Telling

Long after an experience is over, details are blurred and facts are forgotten but the one thing that remains is the way it made you feel. ‘I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’ Maya Angelou The same is absolutely true of your marketing messages. Your

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